Daniel Xiang

Teaching / TA

In Winter of 2024, I developed and taught the new course STAT27855: Hypothesis testing with empirical Bayes methods.

In Fall of 2023 and Winter of 2024, I was an instructor for STAT224: Applied Regression Analysis.

In Spring and Fall of 2022, I was an instructor for STAT234: Statistical Models and Methods.

In Summer of 2022, I was a coach for the theoretical portion of the PhD preliminary exam, meeting weekly with rising second year PhD students to help prepare for the exam.

In Winter of 2021, I was a TA for STAT244: Statistical Theory and Methods, taught by Rina Barber.

In Spring of 2021, I was a TA for STAT274: Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, taught by Fei Liu.

In Spring of 2020, I was an instructor for STAT220: Statistical Methods and Applications, co-taught with Peter McCullagh and Jiacheng Wang.

Here are some statistics and probability visualizations that I like to use in class: https://seeing-theory.brown.edu/